Craniosacral Therapy
- Chronic Pain
- Headaches/migraines
- Vertigo/ dizziness
- Post-acute head trauma
- Visual changes
- TMJ disorders
- Digestive problems
- Dental/Orthodontic work
- Many other conditions
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach for balancing the structures of our bodies. Our bodies’ natural tendency to self–correct to a healthier state and this gentle approach helps our bodies do just that. There are many places in our bodies where we can develop restrictions. Some of these stuck places may be brand new and some very old. These restrictions can cause pain or limitation in some area in our lives. CST releases these restrictions layer by layer. CST also addresses the physical manifestation of unresolved emotional issues that can often affect quality of life. CST is indicated with almost all conditions resulting from illness, accidents, or the accumulation of residual restrictive patterns in the structures of the body. Basically, any unresolved physical or emotional event creates a structural residue. CST seeks to eliminate these layered lesions to promote health and vitality. This bodywork is appropriate for all ages.
Voice: 860.241.1144 Fax: 860.241.1188 |
Office Hours: 7:30 AM to 6:15 PM daily Saturdays by appointment Walk-in chair massage clients welcome if time permits. |